In recent past I have subscribed to few news channels on facebook page. More specifically CNN, BBC World News. Their facebook page tirelessly update what's exactly happening across the world. Which was quite interesting in first few days. Once you subscribe to few of these channels soon your facebook wall will turn into news paper. Now because of the algorithm facebook follows to determine what should show up on your page, this will get much higher preference than a silly picture of your friend what she cooked last night. That is great relief in many occasion. But this 'like business' in my idea works in a vicious circle. Once you subscribe to few of these channels soon your facebook wall will turn into news paper. Now because of the algorithm facebook follows to determine what should show up on your page, this will get much higher preference than a silly picture of your friend what she cooked last night. That is a great relief in many occasions. But this 'like business' in my idea works in a vicious circle. Once you stop liking their post, they will soon consider you as non existing.
So the summary is, being in facebook for whole productive hours rather socializing I tend to get more and more isolated. Anyway this demands a complete article if not a PHD paper. Initially I only read, well mostly watch the video of the post shared by BBC or CNN. As gradual next step, started reading the comments by other fellow facebook user. This is something has changed my view about whole world. Those comment section are no less than a battle ground and fantastic place to pick up ultra trendy english slangs.
Anyway Charlie Hebdo attack was obviously covered minute by minute by all global news channel and yes they were updating facebook page also. Now for such heinous crime, I always thought world (means mostly the good people on this world) can't afford to have 2 different thoughts. This should always be condemned. But going through all those comment section I can broadly classify the people mentality with followings
1. Muslim haters (Most obvious one)
2. I am muslim I don't support kind of (Never sure why one has to be something to condemn)
3. People with solidarity to victim (Least popular one)
4. And then people who supports this act. (Yes they exists)
Fourth are the most socking revelation for me. They are across religion and yes their page is also quite harmless like me and you. Now the point they have is, in first place Charlie Hebdo should not have hurt the feelings of particular religion ? What the hell. If religion is such onion skin then that religion should immediately put into asylum. Again are they justifying the killing of people for few cartoons. Now this only reminds me of the Poe's law.
"Without a blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of extremism or fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing."
I grew up in 90's. I will consider myself lucky. World was lot easier place. Evil always exists but common people were more united than today. Distinction between right and wrong were more specific. People had less place to express their feelings but feelings were more specific. As the world is getting more and more connected a blur place widen between right and wrong. Your thoughts getting manipulated by many factor like which sector to support which people you defend. This is happening more rapidly than ever before. I have never seen common people so fractioned. We grew up hating politics and concentrating only on sports news. I always thought that ignorance was bad. But with more information you will find your closest buddy ready with all sharp word to defend a corrupted politician when he has no far end relation with that party . It is just to defend his previous view about that party.
So like silly picture of my friend which is lost in the pile of other news , before my thought get losts let me put my 2 cent on Charlie Hebdo attack somewhere.
I condemn this attack . I don't know which particular religion they try to represent but for sure such intolerant, grim religion is definitely worrisome thing for the world. We need more tolerance. Along with this we have to less intellectualize our thoughts. Lets get back to the basic. Lets try to make a sharp distinction between good and bad.
Destination Chhandak
"When I started I had no destination , now I have no reason to stop"
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Kumara Parvatha Trek Travellouge
Fact Sheet:
Access: From Kukke Subramanya
Duration: 2 days:
Distance: 14 KM Trek one way
Difficulty level: Strenuous
Permission: Required from forest check post. Need to take from the midway of the trek near Bhtru mane.
Night Halt Option: Only Bhatru Mane or forest check post (No formal procedure only request basis)
Food: Bhatru Mane
Water: Bhatru mane or stream water
Best Time: Dec-Jan
Must Carry:
1. Sleeping Bag
2. Water bottle
3. Energy Food
4. Hat
5. Protection from leaches
When I had put the backpack on my shoulder, the first thought came to my mind, it is a pathetic decision. It was a Friday night and beginning of Final weekend before my week long vacation. Before getting back to work on Monday, going to Kumara Parvathe trek did not seem to be good idea at all, definitely at that moment at least. Though it was in my bucket list since long and already have tried to climb the peak from other side, came back in between as my wife fell sick. If I ever had to do it, this was the moment. My in-laws were here and I can safely leave my wife behind at home . So I booked the program with BMC (Bangalore Mountaineering Club). I believe it deserves some explanation. Why BMC? Why not alone, when specifically I always prefer the later one...
Reason behind selecting BMC
4. It is 14KM long trek. You need to have a night stay. Unlike Himalaya treks in North India, it does not have any trekkers hut except Bhatramane. BMC definitely could arrange it smoothly, particularly for people like me who doesn't speak the local language.
So I finally started with a heavy backpack. BMC has pickup point near Domlur, New Shanti Sagar Hotel. This time they arrived on time. It was a week just after the Diwali. For all obvious reasons, rush was very less. In fact multiple time BMC tried to convince me to change my plan to Kodachandri Trek. I was surprised to see 5 more people accompanying me. Because of less participation BMC provided a tavera . Tavera for 6+ 1 (Guide) +1 (Driver) was quite uncomfortable. Anyway I had already made up my mind in "Lets get it done" mode. We left Domlur around 9:45 PM, took to Bangalore Mangalore highway via Neelamangala--hassan-- sakleshpur--kukke Subramaniye. Road was excellent until Sakleshpur but after that when ghat section began, I should not say road was bad , because there was almost no remains of tar road. With dust caused by all heavy vehicles, visibility was almost zero. After Sakleshpur it is quite dense forest. I was surprised to have no animal sighting, that too on that early morning except one Indian crested porcupine. May be because of the dust and frequent vehicle movement. Even that poor creature was almost getting run over by a volvo.
Finally we reached Kuke Subramaniya around 5:00 AM. BMC has managed one shelters in Kukke for freshening up. It was very basic and I can bet, sun light has never seen this room since the construction. Anyway I have just used the rest room and was feeling quite excited within for the trek. It was almost 3 years long plan for me . I have told you before I have even tried to climb this same peak from different route. OK, if this confuses you let me put the whole story.
Access: From Kukke Subramanya
Duration: 2 days:
Distance: 14 KM Trek one way
Difficulty level: Strenuous
Permission: Required from forest check post. Need to take from the midway of the trek near Bhtru mane.
Night Halt Option: Only Bhatru Mane or forest check post (No formal procedure only request basis)
Food: Bhatru Mane
Water: Bhatru mane or stream water
Best Time: Dec-Jan
Must Carry:
1. Sleeping Bag
2. Water bottle
3. Energy Food
4. Hat
5. Protection from leaches
When I had put the backpack on my shoulder, the first thought came to my mind, it is a pathetic decision. It was a Friday night and beginning of Final weekend before my week long vacation. Before getting back to work on Monday, going to Kumara Parvathe trek did not seem to be good idea at all, definitely at that moment at least. Though it was in my bucket list since long and already have tried to climb the peak from other side, came back in between as my wife fell sick. If I ever had to do it, this was the moment. My in-laws were here and I can safely leave my wife behind at home . So I booked the program with BMC (Bangalore Mountaineering Club). I believe it deserves some explanation. Why BMC? Why not alone, when specifically I always prefer the later one...
Reason behind selecting BMC
- Kumar Parvatha is the toughest trek in South India and this guys are doing it almost regularly
- BMC is quite professional . I like their attitude. They made it a business and they don't even hide it. I have already experienced one night trek with them
- This time I was alone. I will get some company.
4. It is 14KM long trek. You need to have a night stay. Unlike Himalaya treks in North India, it does not have any trekkers hut except Bhatramane. BMC definitely could arrange it smoothly, particularly for people like me who doesn't speak the local language.
So I finally started with a heavy backpack. BMC has pickup point near Domlur, New Shanti Sagar Hotel. This time they arrived on time. It was a week just after the Diwali. For all obvious reasons, rush was very less. In fact multiple time BMC tried to convince me to change my plan to Kodachandri Trek. I was surprised to see 5 more people accompanying me. Because of less participation BMC provided a tavera . Tavera for 6+ 1 (Guide) +1 (Driver) was quite uncomfortable. Anyway I had already made up my mind in "Lets get it done" mode. We left Domlur around 9:45 PM, took to Bangalore Mangalore highway via Neelamangala--hassan--
Finally we reached Kuke Subramaniya around 5:00 AM. BMC has managed one shelters in Kukke for freshening up. It was very basic and I can bet, sun light has never seen this room since the construction. Anyway I have just used the rest room and was feeling quite excited within for the trek. It was almost 3 years long plan for me . I have told you before I have even tried to climb this same peak from different route. OK, if this confuses you let me put the whole story.
Kumara Parvathe/ Pushapagiri
Kumara Parvathe is inside Pushpagiri Wild Life Sanctuary . Now you can reach this peak from 2 sides. 1. Somwarpet Side Bidali check post. From here trek is about 7 KM .. you will reach pushpagiri peak and then Kumara Parvathe. 2. Kuke Subramaniya Side. This trek is of the length 14 KM. You have to cross multiple peaks including Sesha parvathe before reaching Kumara Parvathe. This time we were trying route number 2.
We have started around 6:30AM. Had some breakfast in Kukke town. As one of the important pilgrim place in Karnataka, town was already in full of life by then. BTW you can find multiple good hotels in Kukke. From Kukke town the actual starting point is around 1 KM . We have walked till the distance. Just after the starting point, it throws you the real difficulty .. so that we don't complain later on :). Let me share one graphic regarding this. I've taken it from Internet. Copyright obviously belongs to the original creator. Though the scaling is not right here.
First stretch :Till Bhatru mane(6-7 KM)
First stretch can be divided into 2 part. First part is dense forest. It is constant high slope here. But you have excellent forest cover. Philosophy is simple, just climb up without much thinking :). Only after climbing 3-4 KM ,you will get some viewpoints. You can see the Kuke city from there. We were 7 people hiking. 5 of them have gone ahead. I should not lie, saying i was taking my time to enjoy serenity . Reason was simple that, I was not able to cope up with the physical exertion. So we poor 2 people left. Other person is an architect must be at his late 30's. I respect his enthusiasm. He was only interested in photography and made it clear that his target is till Bhatru mane. So I was left alone
I was not as fast as first few guys and definitely can't afford to go along with Mr Architect. Anyway walking alone through those dense forest is an excellent metal exercise. Which is well proven for me already. Once you start seeing things with little detachment you get much nicer view of the whole story. That is how these weekend trips always helps me. For me travel is not relaxation. It is more like a meditation ..a search for something.
Anyway as you move further, slowly forest will start getting thicker. Then you can expect Bhatru Mane is near by . This is where you will get the first glimpse of your second half assignment. I was thinking the mountain I can see now is Kumar Parvatahe, but I was wrong. You can't see Kumar Parvathe till very end of your Trek. That mountain you can see from here is Sesha Parvathe . Even to get there from Bhatru Mane, you have to cross 2 more hill top.
By 11:00 I reach Bhatru Mane ...
Bhatru mane: This is interesting place. A small hut but having most of the facility. Most importantly it is extremely clean. Mr Bhatru is is staying there. Providing some very basic food , water, rest room and stay with some cost. I have not paid anything as it was already taken care by BMC. So I am not going to quote the amount here. But it is a good amount. with respect to the facility it provides. Even in that weekend around 50+ trekkers were there. Considering the number and facility he provide he must be running at good profit .
Though I had a good debate about it after coming back to office. The logic mostly people put up in his favor is, he has to carry everything from ground. He has a boy for the jobs . That boy climbed along side us. But same is the case is Kedarnath... must be little more difficult than Kumara Parvathe. For instance any himalayan trekking route has multiple trekkers hut. Not sure even after so many days how Bhtrru able to remain alone without any competition .
I have absolutely no complain about the facility he provide. Only point is, don't ask me to buy the logic that, he is doing it voluntarily.
After reaching there I have freshen up. Launch was ready by then. launch is Rice,Sambar and pickle. If you have plan to go further on that same day, you should seriously utilize every second here. You can charge your mobile. Yes he has electricity. But the most beautiful thing is, you can leave your extra luggage here and carry exactly what you need further.
Last stretch :Bhatru mane to KP Peak(7-8 KM)
This is the most strenuous part which makes Kumar parvathe , one of the most toughest trek in south india. Though you have kept your luggage in Bhatru mane , you can't ignore the fact that, you have covered already 6-7 KM in high slope. Along with that, it is race against the time. We have started from bhatru Mane around 12PM. Target was to reach the peak by 4 and then stat descending back to Bhatru Mane. This is long stretch. Mostly can be segmented into 3 parts.
1. From Bhatru Mane to Mantapa : After Bhatru Mane, stench is quite plane for half km. Here you need to take forest department permission. BMC has managed that. Then you will cross view points. It was scorching sun. Vegetation was almost gone. It was a grassland. Around 12 -o clock in the noon , that was seriously tough. Exhaustion rate was much faster. Then slowly slope started rising. I was carrying a 600ml water. Bottle was quite empty. By the time I have walked one more km, I was running out of water. Thankfully our guide Prasanna from BMC has shown some stream water and we have refiled. This must be the most crucial decision I have taken in that entire trek, After that you have no more source of water.
2. Mantapa to Sesha Parvathe: Mantapa is basically a old structure. You will get some shade here. This is the foot hill of Sesha Parvathe. From here it is strip climb to Sesha paraveth. Here the group splitted again. Mr architect has left behind .. Though he has started from Bhatru mane but decided to stop and go back from the water falls. I have joined by 2 more guys.
Our guide Prasnna along with 2 most enthusiastic people left us behind. Latter on I came to know, even for Prasnna this was only second time he is in KP and his first attempt was failure. He was even excited for successful climb this time. So me, Kush and Harsh, we 3 were slowly climbing up. I could not believe my self that I had to cross Sesha Parvathe . My body was almost giving up only mental strength was pulling it. The sun makes it even more difficult.
3. Sesha Parvathe to KP peak: When we reach the peak of Sesha Parvathe it was 3-o clock. Sun was settling down but confusion was arising among us. We 3 were still together, but there was no sign of Prasanna and other 2 guys. People coming from other side was giving conflicting opinion. Question was simple, "how much left?". Answer was varying from 45min- to 2 hours journey.
I could see, we all are tried and confused. Some how this is where the first time I took charge of it. I was getting my strength back, may be it was all mental determination and weather was little cooling down. My decision was simple. I will climb till my body permits and will definitely take Kush and Harsh along. Only worry was, if by then Prasanna complete the journey and start climbing down. Then he will ask us also to climb down along with him.
From Sesha Parvathe you have to climb down little bit and then climb back again. Here some forest is present. Time was around 4 . There was a monolithic rock. I just have scroll though the rock. I have done it before in Savandurga. Kush and harsh was taking some round route. At the end of that rock, route will get splitted. We can see the way to Pushpagiri peak. You have to climb little further for KP. We had some confusion. Somehow our simplistic approach was working. Lets climb till the very high point we can see. By then we have reach the peak, we could see Prasanna and other 2 there. It was the peak. Finally I am there, after long 3 years of wait and count less plan.
After spending some time in the peak we have started climbing down. On the way we got to see a beautiful sunset. When we reach Bhatru mane , it was evening and dark. Surpassingly our trek was not over then .. We had our dinner there. But as all the place were filled up there, we had climb little up agin till forest office in the night and slept there. This is why you need BMC. only they can manage that. Though it was very basic accommodation on floor but the guys were very nice. They have provided mat. Room was quite clean. I had good sleep in the night.
Next day after Breakfast in Bhatru mane. we have climbed down to Kukke by 10 AM. Had some bath in river water. Around 11 AM started for Bangalore .
Kumara Parvathe is inside Pushpagiri Wild Life Sanctuary . Now you can reach this peak from 2 sides. 1. Somwarpet Side Bidali check post. From here trek is about 7 KM .. you will reach pushpagiri peak and then Kumara Parvathe. 2. Kuke Subramaniya Side. This trek is of the length 14 KM. You have to cross multiple peaks including Sesha parvathe before reaching Kumara Parvathe. This time we were trying route number 2.
We have started around 6:30AM. Had some breakfast in Kukke town. As one of the important pilgrim place in Karnataka, town was already in full of life by then. BTW you can find multiple good hotels in Kukke. From Kukke town the actual starting point is around 1 KM . We have walked till the distance. Just after the starting point, it throws you the real difficulty .. so that we don't complain later on :). Let me share one graphic regarding this. I've taken it from Internet. Copyright obviously belongs to the original creator. Though the scaling is not right here.
First stretch :Till Bhatru mane(6-7 KM)
First stretch can be divided into 2 part. First part is dense forest. It is constant high slope here. But you have excellent forest cover. Philosophy is simple, just climb up without much thinking :). Only after climbing 3-4 KM ,you will get some viewpoints. You can see the Kuke city from there. We were 7 people hiking. 5 of them have gone ahead. I should not lie, saying i was taking my time to enjoy serenity . Reason was simple that, I was not able to cope up with the physical exertion. So we poor 2 people left. Other person is an architect must be at his late 30's. I respect his enthusiasm. He was only interested in photography and made it clear that his target is till Bhatru mane. So I was left alone
I was not as fast as first few guys and definitely can't afford to go along with Mr Architect. Anyway walking alone through those dense forest is an excellent metal exercise. Which is well proven for me already. Once you start seeing things with little detachment you get much nicer view of the whole story. That is how these weekend trips always helps me. For me travel is not relaxation. It is more like a meditation ..a search for something.
Anyway as you move further, slowly forest will start getting thicker. Then you can expect Bhatru Mane is near by . This is where you will get the first glimpse of your second half assignment. I was thinking the mountain I can see now is Kumar Parvatahe, but I was wrong. You can't see Kumar Parvathe till very end of your Trek. That mountain you can see from here is Sesha Parvathe . Even to get there from Bhatru Mane, you have to cross 2 more hill top.
By 11:00 I reach Bhatru Mane ...
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Dense forest at the beginning of the trek |
Almost near Bhatru Mane.. Glimpse of Sesha parvathe |
Bhatru mane: This is interesting place. A small hut but having most of the facility. Most importantly it is extremely clean. Mr Bhatru is is staying there. Providing some very basic food , water, rest room and stay with some cost. I have not paid anything as it was already taken care by BMC. So I am not going to quote the amount here. But it is a good amount. with respect to the facility it provides. Even in that weekend around 50+ trekkers were there. Considering the number and facility he provide he must be running at good profit .
Though I had a good debate about it after coming back to office. The logic mostly people put up in his favor is, he has to carry everything from ground. He has a boy for the jobs . That boy climbed along side us. But same is the case is Kedarnath... must be little more difficult than Kumara Parvathe. For instance any himalayan trekking route has multiple trekkers hut. Not sure even after so many days how Bhtrru able to remain alone without any competition .
I have absolutely no complain about the facility he provide. Only point is, don't ask me to buy the logic that, he is doing it voluntarily.
After reaching there I have freshen up. Launch was ready by then. launch is Rice,Sambar and pickle. If you have plan to go further on that same day, you should seriously utilize every second here. You can charge your mobile. Yes he has electricity. But the most beautiful thing is, you can leave your extra luggage here and carry exactly what you need further.
Last stretch :Bhatru mane to KP Peak(7-8 KM)
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Trek started from Bhatru mane.. Obviously I am lagging behind |
This is the most strenuous part which makes Kumar parvathe , one of the most toughest trek in south india. Though you have kept your luggage in Bhatru mane , you can't ignore the fact that, you have covered already 6-7 KM in high slope. Along with that, it is race against the time. We have started from bhatru Mane around 12PM. Target was to reach the peak by 4 and then stat descending back to Bhatru Mane. This is long stretch. Mostly can be segmented into 3 parts.
- From Bhatru Mane to Mantapa.
- Mantapa to Sesha Parvathe.
- Sesha Parvathe to KP peak.
At the foot hill of Sesha Parvathe |
1. From Bhatru Mane to Mantapa : After Bhatru Mane, stench is quite plane for half km. Here you need to take forest department permission. BMC has managed that. Then you will cross view points. It was scorching sun. Vegetation was almost gone. It was a grassland. Around 12 -o clock in the noon , that was seriously tough. Exhaustion rate was much faster. Then slowly slope started rising. I was carrying a 600ml water. Bottle was quite empty. By the time I have walked one more km, I was running out of water. Thankfully our guide Prasanna from BMC has shown some stream water and we have refiled. This must be the most crucial decision I have taken in that entire trek, After that you have no more source of water.
View of Mantapa.. While climbing sesha parvathe |
2. Mantapa to Sesha Parvathe: Mantapa is basically a old structure. You will get some shade here. This is the foot hill of Sesha Parvathe. From here it is strip climb to Sesha paraveth. Here the group splitted again. Mr architect has left behind .. Though he has started from Bhatru mane but decided to stop and go back from the water falls. I have joined by 2 more guys.
Our guide Prasnna along with 2 most enthusiastic people left us behind. Latter on I came to know, even for Prasnna this was only second time he is in KP and his first attempt was failure. He was even excited for successful climb this time. So me, Kush and Harsh, we 3 were slowly climbing up. I could not believe my self that I had to cross Sesha Parvathe . My body was almost giving up only mental strength was pulling it. The sun makes it even more difficult.
Crossed Sesha Parvathe... Almost at the last stretch.. overlooking the path already covered |
3. Sesha Parvathe to KP peak: When we reach the peak of Sesha Parvathe it was 3-o clock. Sun was settling down but confusion was arising among us. We 3 were still together, but there was no sign of Prasanna and other 2 guys. People coming from other side was giving conflicting opinion. Question was simple, "how much left?". Answer was varying from 45min- to 2 hours journey.
I could see, we all are tried and confused. Some how this is where the first time I took charge of it. I was getting my strength back, may be it was all mental determination and weather was little cooling down. My decision was simple. I will climb till my body permits and will definitely take Kush and Harsh along. Only worry was, if by then Prasanna complete the journey and start climbing down. Then he will ask us also to climb down along with him.
From Sesha Parvathe you have to climb down little bit and then climb back again. Here some forest is present. Time was around 4 . There was a monolithic rock. I just have scroll though the rock. I have done it before in Savandurga. Kush and harsh was taking some round route. At the end of that rock, route will get splitted. We can see the way to Pushpagiri peak. You have to climb little further for KP. We had some confusion. Somehow our simplistic approach was working. Lets climb till the very high point we can see. By then we have reach the peak, we could see Prasanna and other 2 there. It was the peak. Finally I am there, after long 3 years of wait and count less plan.
After spending some time in the peak we have started climbing down. On the way we got to see a beautiful sunset. When we reach Bhatru mane , it was evening and dark. Surpassingly our trek was not over then .. We had our dinner there. But as all the place were filled up there, we had climb little up agin till forest office in the night and slept there. This is why you need BMC. only they can manage that. Though it was very basic accommodation on floor but the guys were very nice. They have provided mat. Room was quite clean. I had good sleep in the night.
WHat does it takes to reach KP?? A team :) |
Next day after Breakfast in Bhatru mane. we have climbed down to Kukke by 10 AM. Had some bath in river water. Around 11 AM started for Bangalore .
WHile climbing down, Prasanna is enjoying sunset |
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Sunday Sentiment: Smelling the past
Since my childhood I am inquisitive abut the stars and the universe.
I still remember vividly, I used to spend hours looking at the stars in dark
nights. Like many other things, my father is responsible for this as well. He provided
all the ingredients to ignite the imagination in a child’s mind. In this case
he provided few books on space - mostly Russian books translated into Bengali.
Anyway I have absolutely no intention to irritate you on sharing my knowledge
on space science. Yes it is in true sense rocket science to me and I understand
as little as any other common modern day sophisticated clerk- a software engineer
does. But I still spend some time in the evening looking at stars mostly during
power cut and when no power backup provided in our apartment. I still like the
philosophy behind it. Yes the philosophy. When you look at the stars you do a
time travel. When you are seeing a star today. Actually you are seeing the
stars at the state of it thousand and millions years ago. May be it does not
even exist today. These all things excite me.
Let me introduce to the main topic. It is all about time
travel. As I have already given you an example of it. But is this the only way?
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Lavelle Road in the morning |
Now I have to walk through Lavelle road in Bangalore to
reach office. It is one of the best roads in Bangalore where for the sake of development
everything is not broken and trees are not chopped of. You can still get a feel of old Bangalore; how
it used to be, along with a co-existence of Microsoft office building and High-end
ultra luxury ITC hotel. Few days back when I was rambling fast though this road
I got to see the pathway surfaced with yellow flowers, Radhachura flower. Just for reference, the English name of the tree is Peltophorum
pterocarpum. I am definitely not going to claim this is the best flower I have
ever seen and that is the smell I like most. But I have my own childhood memory
associated with it. We used to have the same tree infront of my house. I have
so many childhood attachments with it. Yes, this summer season is their blossoming
season. Post an afternoon nap in hot Bengal summer, I used to find our balcony
is completely covered with those yellow flowers. I have seen so many birds
building their nest in it. All those memory immediately flashed back with that sight
of these yellow fallen flowers even before looking at that tree. So who says
you can only travel time looking at the star. Don’t you think this is also a
time travel for your mind! Sometime some perfume makes you remember someone
special, some smells of room fresheners refreshed back the memory some hotel on
vacation. These all are time travel. You just have to pay little attention to
observe your mind.
Peltophorum pterocarpum. Picture taken from internet. All copyright reserve to original source |
Anyways today I can't get out of the hangover of Radhachura. All on a sudden, one
day that tree fell down during a mild storm. I have seen tree standing strong
against so many of those storms before. But there was some vested interest. Our
neighbours wanted that trees to be chopped off as it was preventing them from
extending their house. I saw my mom crying that day when they were cutting that
tree to clear it of. This was pre “One tree one life slogan” era. Now it has
just became a slogan and popularity stance. Companies only ask you to think
about environment when you are taking print out. In line they are more concerned
about the opex cost. Just observe how many unnecessary print out they are taking
for the sake of process, not making the process paper free. Anyway, back to the
story - I saw my mom crying and I am pretty sure she was not crying thinking
about polar bear and how they will suffer with one more tree gone and the increase
of global warming. She was crying for that attachment. That we really do have.
After so many years, I moved to Kolaghat Engineer college . Away from home for
first time. Somehow I never enjoyed my stay
away from home in Kolaghat and I always used to be little depressed and thinking
about home. During my second year, infront of our hostel we used have the same
tree. Somehow I think that tree was closest friend of mine during that time. I
used to feel that is the lost thing I have from my home. After that I have
crossed so many radhchura trees. But that day again walking down Lavelle road refreshed
all my memories. It taught me a great
lesson. Sometime just give little attention to small things and you may feel as
they say as tag line of add campaign “Life is just awesome”
Old Bangalore,
Peltophorum pterocarpum.,
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Rome Travelouge
Our Tren italia carrier entered into Roma Termini (Station) around 10:00 in the morning. We had a huge task in hand, having just around 48 hours to see Rome. As they say - Rome is not build in a day. So we assumed that it is not possible to see Rome in a single day. But let me tell you, 48 hours are enough. You must have already come across many travelogue, where it mentioned that you must need 3-5 days to see Rome alone. But people who travel from Asia and around, it is very hard to give that much time in a first world country. On the contrary, if you want to speak with the each stone in Rome, you might need 3-5 months and this article is not for you.
Let me start with how we covered Rome in just little less than 48 hours with spending adequate time where ever necessary.
Our hotel was near to Termini station. We reached hotel sometime around 10:30 AM after spending little time searching the route. Thanks to my wife, we had started pretty early for Rome. First things first. We decided to see Colosseum first and that itself is surrounded by some many other important tourist destinations.
Let me start with how we covered Rome in just little less than 48 hours with spending adequate time where ever necessary.
Our hotel was near to Termini station. We reached hotel sometime around 10:30 AM after spending little time searching the route. Thanks to my wife, we had started pretty early for Rome. First things first. We decided to see Colosseum first and that itself is surrounded by some many other important tourist destinations.
Roman Colosseum
You should always expect a queue in Roman Colosseum, but it is fast moving. There is a combined ticket for Colosseum+Roman Forum+ Palantine Hill which costs you 12 Euro. We waited for our turn and entered Colosseum. Rome reminds me many times about my history book. It is something like I am seeing my history book starts speaking. It is an amazing feeling.
Anyway, let me tell you, it is pretty simple inside. It is not Louvre museum, that you need a vast research before entering. You have to live much upon your imagination. Rome is all about that. We have to give kudos to those who had built this 2000 years ago with very limited infrastructure. There is enough video guide and text description available which will help to stimulate your imagination. It is 5 storied building. 3 floors above the ground and 2 floors under ground. Basically first under ground floor was for gladiator and second one for the animal. They used to be brought into the stage using elevator. You have enough evidence of that, elevator still exists. You just need to research that much before entering. It makes things more interesting. But what I found amazing, when you try to feel where you are roaming carelessly today, some has fought for his life against a wildest beast here and 50k people were shouting and cheering around. What you see today is not the earliest Colosseum. There had been enough alterations on that and many emperors used it for multiple reason. We have spent around 2.5 hours inside. I should say my wife is enough tolerate that she allowed me to read all the descriptions and spending so much time there. You can finish it off within an hour also.
Anyway, let me tell you, it is pretty simple inside. It is not Louvre museum, that you need a vast research before entering. You have to live much upon your imagination. Rome is all about that. We have to give kudos to those who had built this 2000 years ago with very limited infrastructure. There is enough video guide and text description available which will help to stimulate your imagination. It is 5 storied building. 3 floors above the ground and 2 floors under ground. Basically first under ground floor was for gladiator and second one for the animal. They used to be brought into the stage using elevator. You have enough evidence of that, elevator still exists. You just need to research that much before entering. It makes things more interesting. But what I found amazing, when you try to feel where you are roaming carelessly today, some has fought for his life against a wildest beast here and 50k people were shouting and cheering around. What you see today is not the earliest Colosseum. There had been enough alterations on that and many emperors used it for multiple reason. We have spent around 2.5 hours inside. I should say my wife is enough tolerate that she allowed me to read all the descriptions and spending so much time there. You can finish it off within an hour also.
Palantine Hill + Roman Forum
Again we came back to the Colosseum entrance . Just opposite side of the road within few meters you will see the entry for palatine hill. Word of caution. Before entering this you should have some food. Again you have to play a stretch of 2-3 hours. With empty stomach those ancient stones will also stop speaking with you. These are basically ruins of ancient Rome. It requires a minimum study to get feel of the place before entering, which I am living up to you. This is the origin of Rome and trace goes back up to BC. There is hardly few places on earth where you can witness such old evidence of human civilization. Every stone depicts the the new height roman civilization had achieved once. Most importantly, you should not miss 2 view points. 1. View of circus maximus 2. View of modern Rome from palatine hill. It is amazing in all sense. From the ruins of ancient Rome seeing the view new modern Rome. Time moves on :) .
Now Roman Forum is not a different entity. It is attached to Palatine Hill. From Palantine Hill when you move further away to Colosseum end, you will end up in roman forum. Your history book must have the picture of this place in roman emperor chapter. This place has much has concrete evidence and few interesting monuments. Moving forward I will suggest you a much better way of seeing this place, in later part of the story.
Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II
Now we end our Roman Forum tour from Campidiglo end. Here you will be on Via del flori imperiali. One of most important road for the tourists. One side this road ends at Colosseum. We took the other side. We had two immediate tourist attractions, Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II and Campidiglo. We went to Rome on June. you have bright sun till 9:00 PM and it was only 4-5 PM . So we skipped Campidiglo for now, as we wanted to see the place in evening. Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II is on the main road itself. The Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II is a monument to honour Victor Emmanuel, the first king of a unified Italy. It is a controversial monument in Rome. As it built much latter destroying certain part of medieval Rome.This monument is in the connection of Piazza Venezia, Central part of Rome.
Piazza Venezia
Pizza Venezia is one of the busiest part of Italy. we roamed around here to get the feel of the city. It's full with crowds and lots of shops and restaurants. Even that was the road to Pantheon also. We have taken the another important road on Rome Via Del corso. This the road leads towards Pantheon but you have to take left once leaving the via del corso.It was a amazing walk trail and once of the best place to get the feel of the city and give a break to your eyes from ancient ruins.
Pantheon and Fontana del Pantheon
Pantheon is one of the oldest and best preserved roman monument. It was built in 126AD. Inside it you have tomb of artist Raphael. This monument is basically a Temple dedicated to all the God. But during 17th century some alteration was made to give christian touch. Most amazing part is the dome. Even today I think it is one of the largest radius dome and central part is open which allows direst sunlight to come. But let me add one myth bluster. As per the myth sunlight enter into the temple but not the rain water, which is a mere myth. In old days they used to have fire below the hole which used to prevent the rain water. So if it is raining don't experiment, having unconditinal faith to the ageold engineering wonder.
By now we were extremely happy with today's performance. We have mostly covered what we targeted for and well deserved a rest here. It's on of the central place in Rome. Local people exhibit their art and always crowded with tourist. I have no phobia with crowd and love to be a part of it. We spent some time here. One more important info here. If you want to refill your water bottle to save couple of euros, you can do it here. I have seen people were drinking from the tap. Even I found in Internet people are claiming these are perfectly safe.
Closing the Day 1
Now the most important part of the days starts which I love most. Roaming around the city without having any proper destination, spending some time quality time with my wife cracking few useless jokes and laughing unnecessary. We started roaming around. By now we were far away from hotel and we decided to head back. We have seen few other tourist attractions also on the same day . Like Sant'Ignazio: a very old church. We came back to hotel around 10PM and it was just evening by then.
Day : 2
We have started our day pretty early on the next day also and prime focus was Vatican City. From any part of the roam tube rail connects Vatican city very well and we have also chosen tube rail as commute. Compared to few other cities in Europe, Rome is distinctively different. Tube rail was heavily crowded, mostly reminded me of my hometown kolkata and always be careful about pickpocket.
Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel
Once you come out of the Vatican station, there would be many touts surrounded by you who will warn you about the very long queue in Vatican museum and they have a "skip the queue" pass which will allow you to enter without any queue. Now it is up to you and it is true that some time it takes more than hour to enter. People's frustration are well posted in Vatican wall. But somehow it took just about 30 mins for us to reach ticket counter. Entry fee was 15 Euro.
Vatican museum is quite huge. Mainly you have four important sections. 1. Painting 2. Greece and Italian Sculpture 3. Raphael Rooms 4. Egyptian Gallery. After seeing Louvre and Vatican museum I have serious doubt in mind . Is there anything left in Egypt ? What I liked most about Vatican museum is .. it is very hard to get lost there.
Sistine chapel is attached to Vatican museum. It is very hard to get the real feel of Sistine Chapel in crowded day, so be prepared about what you should not miss. Spend some time. It is one of the artistic marvels I have ever witnessed . Must be one of the best works of Michelangelo. But there is no guide text to help you which picture is where and what it's about. It is more like collage on a large canvas. This place has other importance. This is the place where Pope selection takes place.
St Peter's
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Being a non catholic I was mostly interested in artistic part. You have many intresting artifacts to see inside. But once I enter , the size and innumerable artistic marvels automatically gained my respect. Few of the art works you should not miss like
1. The Pietà sculpted by Michelangelo
2. The tomb painted by Michelangelo
3. The bronze statue of Saint Peter and seriously there are many others...
We had our lunch at vatican city itself and when we left vatican it was almost 2 PM. We were not much bothered about the time also as you could see we have covered almost all must see. In the morning we had brought the transport pass for the entire day. So now the euqation was very easy. Again we took tube rail and came back to main city. Our first destination was Trevi fountain. When we reached there it was almost 3-4 PM . Let me tell you it was a narrow place and it looks much beatiful in wall paper than with nacked eyes.
"A traditional legend holds that if visitors throw a coin into the fountain, they are ensured a return to Rome. Among those who are unaware that the "three coins" of Three Coins in the Fountain were thrown by three different individuals, a reported current interpretation is that two coins will lead to a new romance and three will ensure either a marriage or divorce. Another reported version of this legend is that it is lucky to throw three coins with one's right hand over one's left shoulder into the Trevi Fountain.
An estimated 3,000 euros are thrown into the fountain each day. The money has been used to subsidize a supermarket for Rome's needy. However, there are regular attempts to steal coins from the fountain"... Wiki
Piazza del popolo was next in the list. Among many squares this one is most famous. An Egyptian obelisk of Ramesses II from Heliopolis stands in the centre of the Piazza. By this we were almost at the bottom of the the TO DO list.
Remember I promised you , we will cover Rome in less than 48 hours and it was just 5 PM by then. Next day we had our flight from Ciampino airport whcih is far away from main city. We need to find some airport transfer before the day ends. We knew Terravision is one of the most realiable option but needed to find the starting point. Let me tell you Rome is not a easy city to travel. People are diffrent from rest of the europian city. Definitely they are helpful but there is exception. Mostly it is hard to find a local people among the crowd of tourists. Rome is "famous" for unprcidented incident. Might be not because of the localaite but diverese immigrants. We came back to Roma Termini Station and seriously had to spend good amount of the time before finding the terravision counter. It is almost at the other end of the station. and costs you around 4 euro to tranfer you to Ciampino airport. First we make sure about our next days flight ararngement and went back to hotel for quick refreshment and then start preparing for our grand closing ceremony.
Closing Ceremony
I have always seen a quick refreshement works very well. Even if it is as less as 15 mins. Just quickly change you dress, have a quickbath, have some quick snacks it always brings you additional energy. Those 30 mins break are worth spending.
We have started with Colosseum again. We roamed carelessly around it and then chose the way to circus maximus. In ancient rome it was one of the central place for crowd gathering. It was famous for charoit race. Todays nothing is left except a large ground . Some extravagation is going on. What I found most interesting was few guys were playing cricket. Though it is the primitive form of the game still I left them on their own for normal process of evolution.
Then we started walking keeping palantine hill at the left. But soon we found the road is too much empty and it was foolish to roam around in those road in Rome. Luckily we got the bus stop and took a bus without knowing where it was going. We just wanted to avoid that place. Soon we found it was crossing Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II. I have one more promise to keep. I told you we will cover campidiglo at evening time and it was the right time. Campidoglio or Capiltone hill is one of the seven hills in rome. It is just opposite to Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II. It also has a museum or some other important monument but my intention was completely something else. This is the best place get the view of Roman Forum and in the evening there is mild light very aesthetically placed in important ruines of roman forum. It was mystic and breath taking. We had a good number company who also came for the similar reason.
You should see roman forum once at time. Those stones literally tell their history in that mystic light. We were extremely contained and almost ready to drop curtain to our rome tour. We came via Colosseum again. Colosseum also looks amazing at night. We returned to our hotel around 11 PM .
Then we started walking keeping palantine hill at the left. But soon we found the road is too much empty and it was foolish to roam around in those road in Rome. Luckily we got the bus stop and took a bus without knowing where it was going. We just wanted to avoid that place. Soon we found it was crossing Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II. I have one more promise to keep. I told you we will cover campidiglo at evening time and it was the right time. Campidoglio or Capiltone hill is one of the seven hills in rome. It is just opposite to Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II. It also has a museum or some other important monument but my intention was completely something else. This is the best place get the view of Roman Forum and in the evening there is mild light very aesthetically placed in important ruines of roman forum. It was mystic and breath taking. We had a good number company who also came for the similar reason.
You should see roman forum once at time. Those stones literally tell their history in that mystic light. We were extremely contained and almost ready to drop curtain to our rome tour. We came via Colosseum again. Colosseum also looks amazing at night. We returned to our hotel around 11 PM .
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Jamaican Farewell
It started with a personal letter to my friend. I was in Stockholm that time and it was almost end of my first (May be last) abroad stays. In childhood days my parents used to travel a lot. At least twice a year. That time while coming back I used to feel heavy hearted with almost having no intention to come back. In those days Kolkata meant school, studies and what I hate most (even today) ; daily routine. Then there was a long gap. Lately I started traveling again- this time with my wife. Now that feeling of coming back has changed. It is almost like a fun to come back also. A weekend trip, change of mood and then come back and start work, plan for next trip again.
But Stockholm was different. I never felt like coming back. I wish I could stay forever. I can echo what my US manager told while attending a call from Stockholm.”Chhandak, enjoy tour trip and I wish each second in your trip you spend like a hour. Have most out of it”. Anyways, that time passed so quickly and almost at the end day of travel I got my childhood feelings back. That time I wrote a letter to one of my very few close friends and still waiting for a reply. So this time it is for much bigger audience.
Have you ever listened to "Jamaica farewell" by Hary Bella Fonte. If not, just listen to it now. You have missed something great in your life. It is very simple song. Someone went to Kingston, Jamaica and now he is coming back to Mexico. But he doesn’t want to come back and is still missing someone in Jamaica. No big deal.. no dictionary cracking words. A simple song -
"But I'm sad to say, I'm on my way
Won't be back for many a day
My heart is down, my head is turning around
I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town"
Now we have a Bengali version of it by Ranjan Prasad. You must have listened that couple of times. It is also a beautiful song. "KON SUDUR SE SWAPNOPUR". But the funny part is, though it is just a Bengali adaptation of original Jamaica Farewell, still the main essence of the song got changed. Here it is more like someone is missing his hometown and someone is waiting eagerly there for him. I always found it very funny. No hard feelings both are equally good and each has full right to have his own interpretation. But I always hunted by the question why he changed the essence. This lyrics is something like
I have grown up with Mujtaba ALi's writing. Later on found some answer there. As per Ali Saheb, Rabindranath has seen snow fall at least 600 times in his life. But never wrote a single song or poem on Snowfall, whereas his songs are dominated by rain. Might be he didn't want to write something which common Bengali people have never witnessed. As per Ali Shaheb it is a calculative move. Now don’t chase me on this. Entire responsibility should be taken by Ali Saheb. Bengalis often feel less secure when someone brings slightest criticism about "Thakur". Though I feel it is not a criticism at all - A sheer observation. And I am the last person to talk about Rabindranath as I know him mostly through by School book or by Ali Saheb. But we have much bigger question here. Did Ranjan Prasad also chose the same line???? He put the song in way common Bengali people would like to appreciate???
Now already you should be enough offended and almost thinking of stop reading it (If not already stopped). What is the point I am trying to bring in ??
I have seen tons of movies where people are desperate to come back to their own nations. Most bollywood flims shot in abroad but never fail to add a hint of "deshprem" sentiment to it. Just remember Kajol’s character in "KKKG". I don't know how close to reality those are. I never had been to abroad for so long.
But this write-up is all about what I have seen when I was there in Stockholm. I have seen a good number of African populations, mostly came from Somalia. I think Sweden has a refugee law or something which allows people to come from those war devasted countries. One afternoon, while walking with my wife we have seen a family on the footpath. It definitely is a very rare picture in Stockholm. They had lots of baggage around. One aged lady was sitting in traditional African dress and young women arranging their stuffs, must be immigrated from some other place recently..just waiting to move local residence. There I have seen 2-3 kids were playing around. How happy they were. Their eyes were glowing. It was an awesome scene. I always believe, when you see other people happy their happiness gets transferred to you. I pray to god a happy peaceful bright future for them.
This is the story all about. If the movie Swadesh is just made on reality then this is the other part of it. Over the centuries people have crossed the boundary just for a better life. I am very weak in history but what I could remember thousands of people broke a wall for a better standard of living. Yes, the great Berlin Wall. You can’t stop people with boundaries. I believe one in every 5 Indian will leave their current obligations for a H1B . That is the hard reality. EU is skeptical about adding Turkey to Schengen VISA because they expect a huge number of migrations from there. Immigration is the biggest problem US and UK, both admit. But in 3% of world land how you can restrict 18% of world population (INDIA) to live. People will try to spread in.
Now-a-days more and more Bengalis are adding in Bangalore. Most of them are construction worker. I met one of them in bus. I just curiously asked “from Bengal ?” A minute of silence and then replied Bangladesh and stopped talking to me realizing he told something unofficial. But before talking to me he has happily chatting with someone over phone.
This write up is all about this happiness. The Happiness I have seen in the face of that African child and this Bangladeshi friend. Can someone translate the “Jamaican farewell” song in Bengali once again, keeping this happiness in mind.
But Stockholm was different. I never felt like coming back. I wish I could stay forever. I can echo what my US manager told while attending a call from Stockholm.”Chhandak, enjoy tour trip and I wish each second in your trip you spend like a hour. Have most out of it”. Anyways, that time passed so quickly and almost at the end day of travel I got my childhood feelings back. That time I wrote a letter to one of my very few close friends and still waiting for a reply. So this time it is for much bigger audience.
Have you ever listened to "Jamaica farewell" by Hary Bella Fonte. If not, just listen to it now. You have missed something great in your life. It is very simple song. Someone went to Kingston, Jamaica and now he is coming back to Mexico. But he doesn’t want to come back and is still missing someone in Jamaica. No big deal.. no dictionary cracking words. A simple song -
"But I'm sad to say, I'm on my way
Won't be back for many a day
My heart is down, my head is turning around
I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town"
Now we have a Bengali version of it by Ranjan Prasad. You must have listened that couple of times. It is also a beautiful song. "KON SUDUR SE SWAPNOPUR". But the funny part is, though it is just a Bengali adaptation of original Jamaica Farewell, still the main essence of the song got changed. Here it is more like someone is missing his hometown and someone is waiting eagerly there for him. I always found it very funny. No hard feelings both are equally good and each has full right to have his own interpretation. But I always hunted by the question why he changed the essence. This lyrics is something like
I have grown up with Mujtaba ALi's writing. Later on found some answer there. As per Ali Saheb, Rabindranath has seen snow fall at least 600 times in his life. But never wrote a single song or poem on Snowfall, whereas his songs are dominated by rain. Might be he didn't want to write something which common Bengali people have never witnessed. As per Ali Shaheb it is a calculative move. Now don’t chase me on this. Entire responsibility should be taken by Ali Saheb. Bengalis often feel less secure when someone brings slightest criticism about "Thakur". Though I feel it is not a criticism at all - A sheer observation. And I am the last person to talk about Rabindranath as I know him mostly through by School book or by Ali Saheb. But we have much bigger question here. Did Ranjan Prasad also chose the same line???? He put the song in way common Bengali people would like to appreciate???
Now already you should be enough offended and almost thinking of stop reading it (If not already stopped). What is the point I am trying to bring in ??
I have seen tons of movies where people are desperate to come back to their own nations. Most bollywood flims shot in abroad but never fail to add a hint of "deshprem" sentiment to it. Just remember Kajol’s character in "KKKG". I don't know how close to reality those are. I never had been to abroad for so long.
But this write-up is all about what I have seen when I was there in Stockholm. I have seen a good number of African populations, mostly came from Somalia. I think Sweden has a refugee law or something which allows people to come from those war devasted countries. One afternoon, while walking with my wife we have seen a family on the footpath. It definitely is a very rare picture in Stockholm. They had lots of baggage around. One aged lady was sitting in traditional African dress and young women arranging their stuffs, must be immigrated from some other place recently..just waiting to move local residence. There I have seen 2-3 kids were playing around. How happy they were. Their eyes were glowing. It was an awesome scene. I always believe, when you see other people happy their happiness gets transferred to you. I pray to god a happy peaceful bright future for them.
This is the story all about. If the movie Swadesh is just made on reality then this is the other part of it. Over the centuries people have crossed the boundary just for a better life. I am very weak in history but what I could remember thousands of people broke a wall for a better standard of living. Yes, the great Berlin Wall. You can’t stop people with boundaries. I believe one in every 5 Indian will leave their current obligations for a H1B . That is the hard reality. EU is skeptical about adding Turkey to Schengen VISA because they expect a huge number of migrations from there. Immigration is the biggest problem US and UK, both admit. But in 3% of world land how you can restrict 18% of world population (INDIA) to live. People will try to spread in.
Now-a-days more and more Bengalis are adding in Bangalore. Most of them are construction worker. I met one of them in bus. I just curiously asked “from Bengal ?” A minute of silence and then replied Bangladesh and stopped talking to me realizing he told something unofficial. But before talking to me he has happily chatting with someone over phone.
This write up is all about this happiness. The Happiness I have seen in the face of that African child and this Bangladeshi friend. Can someone translate the “Jamaican farewell” song in Bengali once again, keeping this happiness in mind.
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