Sunday, January 11, 2015

Charlie Hebdo attack, social media and yes my thought

In recent past I have subscribed to few news channels on facebook page. More specifically CNN, BBC World News. Their facebook page tirelessly update what's exactly happening across the world. Which was quite interesting in first few days. Once you subscribe to few of these channels soon your facebook wall will turn into news paper. Now because of the algorithm facebook follows to determine what should show up on your page, this will get much higher preference than a silly picture of your friend what she cooked last night.  That is great relief in many occasion. But this 'like business' in my idea works in a vicious circle. Once you subscribe to few of these channels soon your facebook wall will turn into news paper. Now because of the algorithm facebook follows to determine what should show up on your page, this will get much higher preference than a silly picture of your friend what she cooked last night. That is a great relief in many occasions. But this 'like business' in my idea works in a vicious circle. Once you stop liking their post, they will soon consider you as non existing.

So the summary is, being in facebook for whole productive hours rather socializing I tend to get more and more isolated. Anyway this demands a complete article if not a PHD paper. Initially I only read, well mostly watch the video of the post shared by BBC or CNN. As gradual next step, started reading the comments by other fellow facebook user. This is something has changed my view about whole world. Those comment section are no less than a battle ground and fantastic place to pick up ultra trendy english slangs.

Anyway  Charlie Hebdo attack was obviously covered minute by minute by all global news channel and yes they were updating facebook page also.  Now for such heinous crime,  I always thought world (means mostly the good people on this world) can't afford to have 2 different thoughts. This should always be condemned.  But going through all those comment section I can broadly classify the people mentality with followings

1. Muslim haters (Most obvious one)
2. I am muslim I don't support kind of (Never sure why one has to be something to condemn)
3. People with solidarity to victim (Least popular one)
4. And then people who supports this act. (Yes they exists)

Fourth are the most socking revelation for me. They are across religion and yes their page is also quite harmless like me and you.  Now the point they have is, in first place Charlie Hebdo  should not have hurt the feelings of particular religion ? What the hell. If religion is such onion skin then that religion should immediately put into asylum. Again are they justifying the killing of people for few cartoons. Now this only reminds me of the Poe's law.

"Without a blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of extremism or fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing."

I grew up in 90's. I will consider myself lucky. World was lot easier place. Evil always exists but common people were more united than today. Distinction between right and wrong were more specific. People had less place to express their feelings but feelings were more specific. As the world is getting more and more connected a blur place widen between right and wrong. Your thoughts getting manipulated by many factor like which sector to support which people you defend. This is happening more rapidly than ever before. I have never seen common people so fractioned.  We grew up hating politics and concentrating only on sports news. I always thought that ignorance was bad. But with more information you will find your closest buddy ready with all sharp word to defend a corrupted politician when he has no far end relation with that party . It is just to defend his previous view about that party.

So like silly picture of my friend which is lost in the pile of other news , before my thought get losts let me put my 2 cent on Charlie Hebdo attack  somewhere.

I condemn this attack . I don't know which particular religion they try to represent but for sure such intolerant, grim religion is definitely worrisome thing for the world.  We need more tolerance. Along with this we have to less intellectualize our thoughts. Lets get back to the basic. Lets try to make a sharp distinction between good and bad.

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